Land more Clients & reach 200k as a
Freelance Sr. Software Engineer!
A message from Manuela & Cyril
Business coaches for Sr. Software Engineers
Dear Senior Software Engineer
Maybe you know these problems...
  • Your challenge is to fill your pipeline with high-paying clients.
  • You have a high rate, but you still sell your time and can't get past the glass ceiling of €100/h.
  • The high rates come with a lot of on demand hours. This leads to excessive working hours. Your work-life balance and your income goals are completely off track.
Don’t worry, many senior software engineers face the same situation!
Why focusing on technical skills can only get you so far
Many developers are extremely good at what they do. Their technical skills are at a high level and they are always educating themselves and chasing the latest technical trends.
It's not enough to be a very good software engineer.
Without the necessary business skills, you'll struggle forever to systematize your freelance business and create wealth at scale.
Here is the truth
Failing to learn scalable marketing will ruin your freelance business.
You have no control over the frequency and quality of client inquiries through pure word of mouth marketing.
This approach takes years to generate consistent inquiries. If the market is in a slump, word-of-mouth can fail completely.
Most devs try to only sharpen their technical skills and hope to avoid the new marketing and sales skills they should learn.
Instead, they buy into the fairy tale of word-of-mouth.
The Solution: Become a Pro in Closing Clients with DevKickStart
Join our DevKickStart-Program to leverage platform agnostic Marketing and Sales skills.
As soon as you know how to market yourself and sell your service, your chances of getting your ideal clients will increase drastically.
These skills also improve your leverage in all future contract negotiations.
  1. We’ll sharpen your positioning to ensure your ideal clients are drawn to your unique skills and offer.
  2. We’ll teach you how to negotiate with, and close clients in the competitive freelance developer market.
  3. We’ll strengthen your online presence to improve visibility and engagement with your target audience.
We have a proven track record we can help people like you achieve more visibility and better client offers in a few months.
Click the button below to arrange a free initial consultation with us!
In this 30-minute initial consultation, you'll discover how we'll support your business growth.
We hope you achieve outstanding success and look forward to talking soon!
The Client Acquisition Guide
Hey there! 🎉
Get your free Client Acquisition Guide to boost your freelance biz. Turn your LinkedIn Connections into Clients. This is only a glimpse of what you'll learn in our DevKickStart program.
For more guidance on freelancing, book an initial call with us. We'd be happy to see if our program is the right fit for you.
Get our Guide and turn your LinkedIn Connections into Clients.
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